Head over to Best Buy to score their Deals of the Day!
Best Buy’s Deal of the Day offers low prices on great products from across all of Best Buy’s categories. These online offers are available for up to 24 hours or until they’re sold out. No rainchecks.
These deals go live at 10:01 PM PST | 12:01 AM CST | 1:01 AM EST each day.


Deal of the Day Frequently Asked Questions

How long are these great deals available?

For up to 24 hours or until the item sells out. The Deal of the Day offers are valid one day only, through 11:59 p.m. CT today.

When are they available?

The deals will post at about 12:01 a.m. CT each day.

How many deals are available every day?

The number of deals each day varies.

Can I find these deals at my local Best Buy store?

Sometimes. The Deal of the Day offers can be available online only or available online and in stores. This will be specified in offer.

However, app-exclusive offers and pricing are only available through the mobile app. Store and website prices will differ from app-exclusive offers; although, app-exclusive offers still qualify for our Price Match Guarantee.

Will I be able to view app-exclusive offers on BestBuy.com?

You will be able to see the offers but cannot see the pricing information without the Best Buy app.

How much does shipping cost?

Shipping costs may vary by deal. Select Deal of the Day products may be limited to Standard Shipping at time of purchase.

Is there a limit to how many I can buy at these prices?

Limits per customer may apply to ensure that as many customers as possible are able to enjoy the savings.

What kinds of products get featured on Deal of the Day?

Products from across all Best Buy categories.

Can I exchange or return a Deal of the Day item?

Yes. A Deal of the Day purchase (including an app-exclusive offer) is the same as any other BestBuy.com or Best Buy store purchase. See our Returns & Refunds policy and procedures.