Get Over $125 of Dog Toys & Treats for ONLY $15 Shipped From BoxDog!
Click “get the box”.
Select your 2 toys (or 3 toys).
2 toys for $39.99 ($10 after code) | 3 toys for $49.99 ($12.50 after code)
2 toys for $39.99 ($10 after code) | 3 toys for $49.99 ($12.50 after code)
Once you select your toys, go to the next step.
This is the clearance page. You are not required to add anything, they are just offering you up to 70% off items.
This is the clearance page. You are not required to add anything, they are just offering you up to 70% off items.
Click checkout.
Enter promo code: 75OFF for 75% off your total.
$15 shipped for the 2 toy box | $17.50 shipped for the 3 toy box
Your Spring 2020 box includes the toys of your choosing, treats, a leash and clothing (valued at over $125). After your first box, your BoxDog subscription will renew quarterly (every three months) at $39.99 delivered or until you cancel. To cancel, just login to your account, go to Subscriptions, and select Cancel in the menu, OR you can email and request a cancellation.
I always recommend using a prepaid or burner card with limited funds so if you forget to cancel, you won’t be charged again later on if you forget to cancel. Don’t have a prepaid/burner option? Checkout Privacy App, Cash App or Mezu. If you want to use your debit or credit card, you are more than welcome to, also, just remember to cancel.